Installing VMware Tools from the Linux CLI

This posting outlines the steps required to install VMware Tools in a Linux environment. Specifically, it lists the commands that should be issued at the command line to mount the VMware Tools CD-ROM image, unpack, and then install the VMware Tools tarball.

While these steps should work in almost any Linux environment, I created them using the Linux Mint OS. Mint is a fork of the Ubuntu project. Ubuntu has its roots in Debian. Check out the Linux Mint OS if you are looking for a friendly Linux GUI.

The only caveat that should be observed is that some Linux distributions will auto-mount the CD-ROM image. If your distribution does auto-mount, than disregard the steps that involve the mount and umount commands.

How to install VMware Tools in a Linux environment


  • Power on the virtual machine. When the machine boots up, you should see a pop-up like the one below. Click ‘Install Tools

** If you don’t get the pop-up, you can tell VMware you’d like to install VMware tools. In Workstation 9, the command is found by clicking:

Workstation Menu > VM > Install VMware Tools

The pop-up should change, and look similar to the one below.

  • Skip this step if your distribution auto-mounts – Mount the CD-ROM:

# mkdir /dev/cdrom/
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

  • Determine if a previous installation exists. If it does, remove the files associated with the old installation. The default installation location is /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib. If you do find files here, issue the following command to remove them:

# rm -rf /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib

  • Now it is time to untar VMware tools. Issue the following two commands:

    # cd /tmp
    # tar zxpf /mnt/cdrom/VMwareTools-‘x.x.x-xxxx’.tar.gz
    ‘x.x.x-xxxx’ is the VMware version number. The easiest way to untar the proper file, is to use the ‘Tab’ auto-fill command after you type ‘VMwareTools’.
    ** If this command fails, unmount the CDROM, restart the VM, and try again.

  • Skip this step if your distribution auto-mounts – Unmount the CD-ROM:

    # umount /dev/cdrom

  • Run VMware Tools install script:

    # ./vmware-tools-distrib/
    You will now be asked a series of questions. If this is the first time installing VMware Tools, just press ‘Enter’ to accept the defaults.

  • Restart your virtual machine

    # shutdown now -r

There you have it! Enjoy using VMware Tools.

Materials used

  1. VMware Workstation Version: 9.0.3

  2. Host Machine OS: Windows 7

  3. VM OS: Linux Mint 17 64-bit edition

  4. VM Devices: Memory 1 GB, Processors 1, Hardisk 20 GB, Network Adapter (x1) (NAT)

  5. References: VMware Tools Installation Guide


AstriCon September 27-29, 2016


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